Server InstallationΒΆ

To install the server components.

Firstly make sure your Kafka broker/clusetr has been setup already. The server components should be able to be run on the Kafka broker.

For Windows you will need to install node.js manually as well as python 3. You can then install kafka-python with pip and manually install node.js dependancies using

npm install .

in the ckscada-client and ckscada-server/admin-client folders.

For Debian/Ubuntu use apt to install it

sudo apt install npm python3
sudo npm install -g npm-cache
pip3 install kafka-python

Following this, download the ckscada package and build the npm packages.

cd ckSCADA

Edit the config.json file in the config folder. Include the nodeId, ip address and the port of one of your Kafka brokers.

We will next run the server components.

cd ckscada-server/server/src
python3 --config ../../config/config.json

cd ckscada-server/admin-server/src
python3 --config ../../config/test.json

cd ckscada-server/admin-client
npm start .

There is a helper script to setup a few tags on simulation device and start publishing them the sample page on the client uses these.

cd ckscada-server/server/src