Viewer Overview

ckViewer is the operators interface to the running ckSCADA system. It is based around an embedded web browser. This allows for the flexibility of using open web standards to display infomation to the operator such as HTML5 and SVG. It also allows animation frameworks to be used such as Anime.

During development inkscape has been used to develop SVG graphics. This seems to work well as it provides a professional drawing package which is very flexible. There are some attributes and elements such as the cktag, ckparameter and ckscript classes that are required to be added manually so that ckSCADA points can be shown on the screen. This can be done within the inkscape xml editor window.

When a page is loaded the viewer will first search for any <image> elements which also have a class attribute of ckobject. It will then use name attribute and replace all references of $Object within a copy of the linked file with the object in the name attribute. This copy then gets embedded within the page so the external file doesn’t need to be read each time the tag is updated.

<image width="50px" height="50px" x="100px" y="100px" class="ckobject" xlink:href="svg/Motor.svg" object="Simulated.Flow.Transmitter"/>

It will then search for elements with the cktag attribute and create a list of tags that are used on the screen. It will then subsribe to the Kafka topics for each tag.

<text class="cktag" name="Simulated.Flow.Transmitter.Scaled!eu" style="fill: 'black'; font-family: &quot;Roboto Slab&quot;; font-size: 12px; white-space: pre;" x="420" y="300"><title>Test</title>####</text>

When a message is recieved on one of these topics, the elements associated with that topic are updated. When using the ckatg class attirbute the text content of that element is updated with the new value.

When specifying the cktag class the name attribute specifies the tag. The tag is a combination of the Kafka topic name and the attribute from recieved message. such as Simulated.Flow.Transmitter.Raw!value when Simulated.Flow.Transmitter.Raw is the topic and value is the attribute. This allows for several attributes to be sent within the same message.

The ckscript element can also be used to include script behaviour which is run when the included ckparameter topics are updated.


Add the ability to include multiple ckparameter element per script.

<text class="cktag" name="Simulated.Flow.Transmitter.Stored!value" style="fill: 'black'; font-family: &quot;Roboto Slab&quot;; font-size: 12px; white-space: pre;" x="500" y="300">
    <g class="ckparameter">Simulated.Flow.Transmitter.Raw!value</g>
    <g class="ckscript">if (this.v &gt; 50) {
   = "red";
          } else {
   = "green";

This allows for updating specific attrbutes of the element when tags are updated such as background colour, position, etc..

As these scripts are run on every update of the tag these scripts should be kept as short as possible with the tag update rate being taken into account. If the tag is updated every 10ms then is doesn’t leave much time for the script to run. If it is updated every 1-2 seconds the script can be made longer.